ECOOP 2026
Mon 29 June - Fri 3 July 2026 Brussels, Belgium
Gordana Rakić

Registered user since Mon 17 Dec 2018

Name:Gordana Rakić

Gordana Rakić holds a position of assistant professor at Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia since 2016. She has got all her degrees at Faculty of Sciences University of Novi Sad: B.Sc. degree in informatics in 2006, M.Sc. degree in business informatics in 2010, and Ph.D. degree in computer science in 2015. Her research interests are in software engineering, software quality, static analysis, and computer languages. Gordana is one of the founders and a member of the SQLab: Software Quality Laboratory under the Department of Mathematics and Informatics at her home Faculty. Furthermore, she is a member of ESUG: European Smalltalk User Group, as well as ACM and IEEE. Gordana has published more than 30 scientific papers and articles. She participated in several ongoing and completed research projects of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, and international project, as well as in the organization of several international scientific conferences, symposia, and workshops, as a member, secretary, co-chair, and chair of the organizing and program committees. Gordana has served as a reviewer at several international Journals and, in the period from 2011-2013, as one of the managing editors of “ComSIS: Computer Science and Information Systems” journal.

Affiliation:University of Novi Sad
Research interests:Computer Languages and Paradigms, Software Quality


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